The Center For Public Safety

Staffing and Salary Range Studies 

CPS recognizes the need every public safety entity has for planning effectively for your current and future personnel. 

The old adage of “you don’t know what you don’t know” is true. Being appropriately staffed means retaining key personnel, offering quality service to your community and having the people necessary to do your job right the first time. 

The study will provide: 

  • A current look at personnel in your entity
  • How organizational and outside changes will affect staffing 5, 10 and 20 years into the future
  • A projection of personnel that includes everyone in your organization

CPS created a proprietary approach using data driven algorithms in our personnel projections. We did so by working with chiefs, directors, sheriffs and managers in their respective professions. 

Our salary range studies look at comparable entities in and near your community while comparing people in similar positions. We examine not only salaries but benefits, policies and job responsibilities. 

Bottom line, use data and objective criteria to back up your personnel needs. Your decision makers will want, and need, this data to address how to best help you and your entity.

Project Study Examples